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Exterior view of Nancy Moseley Elementary School featuring the main entrance.


The Moseley Advantage

Located in Pleasant Grove, we are committed to building strong foundations for every child enrolled in our school.

Principal's Corner

Nancy Moseley Principal:  Mrs. Derrick is a proud cougar principal since 2018.  She is leading our campus with equity, kindness and excellence.  Visit meet our principal section to know more about her work and read her welcoming letter for our cougar family. 

Headshot of Principal

Students Activities

At Nancy Moseley we offer a variety of extra curricular activities.  Students have the opportunity to combined critical thinking skills, boost confidence, face challenges, use their creativity and skills to build fun-educational experiences that support their ownership in their learning process.  Among the extracurricular activities are: Chess, Robotics, Esports, Destination Imagination, Lonestar Challenge, Soccer and Basketball. 

Moseley's Weekly Newsletter

Stay Informed with our Weekly Newsletter!

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Moseley Cougars Athletics

Stay informed about Moseley Athletic events, such as Soccer and Basketball games.  

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Upcoming events

On the Horizon

recent highlights

news from our community

eager to learn and driven to excel
